
Monday, September 24, 2012

Daily Reflections - September 22, 2012

We live in a world that does not really recognize the true significance of the choices we make in life. The old classical understanding of virtue ethics being related to character building has become lost in the “me” centered generations. Everything is all about me and my perceived needs, and anyone else’s needs are secondary. Western democracies are discovering that this attitude is not very easy to work with when it comes to getting things done.
How do we overcome the selfishness and narcissism that thrive so much in our world today? The only answer I can see is a return to character-based ethics. We need to form our children in the understanding that everything they do and say contributes to the building of their character. Morality is not just about avoiding breaking the law or doing something wrong; it is really about discovering the opportunities to build our character according to the fact that we were created in the image and likeness of God. If God is anything, He is a God of character and not a God of the rules.
Jesus tells a parable today that speaks to this truth. It is up to us to decide what sort of a disciple of Jesus we both want to be and will become by the choices we make. Instead of seeing morality as the avoidance of evil, let us start looking at it as choosing of the “goods” of human flourishing. That is, let us make morality a positive rather than a negative reality in our lives. Ican assure you that it will make an enormous difference if we do this. Learning to make choices for the good of human living will give us an entirely different perspective on life to the point that we will begin to become different people. We will become empowered to create our own destiny in the positive sense of choosing it rather than simply avoiding something bad. I know which system I prefer.  Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: How do you look at morality in you life? Are you simply following a whole lot of rules that are given to you by others?
Lord Jesus, teach me how to believe and pursue the fullness of life by becoming proactive in my own character formation.

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