
Monday, July 16, 2012

Daily Reflections- July 15, 2012

God makes me laugh sometimes. Just look at the readings today. In the First Reading, He calls Amos, a farmer and attendant of sycamore trees, and in the Gospel, He calls fishermen to spread His Word. The Lord will have His way. He calls all sorts of people from all sorts of backgrounds. And when He calls, they follow. Amos responds to the resistant priest in Bethel, “It’s not my fault, I am here; I am just a shepherd, God sent me to you.” Amos is forbidden to enter the Temple and asked to leave the area.
Israel was enjoying prosperity, economically and politically. The news from Amos seemed out of place and unworthy of attention. Of course, God was trying to warn them through His prophet against conformity and self-contentment. All that they had was due to God’s blessing, not their own. Amos’ words fell on deaf ears and closed minds, so he began to write down his prophecies as a way of communicating the will of God. He became one of the earliest writing prophets.
We have to be aware of our comfort zone. It is that place of self-contentment and reliance on our own efforts. The part that says, “Thank you, Lord, but I am doing fine without You now.” It’s that part of us that settles for “second best” even though things could be better. We are afraid to move out of our comfort zone because we fear the loss of control. When we are comfortable, we are in control. The Lord challenges us to step out of our comfort zone just as He did that day when Peter questioned the presence of Jesus on the water (Matthew14:28-30). Or when the disciples were called to proclaim the Kingdom of God.
Amos was called out of his comfort zone of attending sycamore trees. He took up the challenge from moving up north, away from his comfort zone down south. He didn’t like it but he acted in obedience to the Lord’s will. Even when he was abused and ridiculed by those in authority, he stood his ground: “The Lord took me from the flock and said, ‘Go prophesy!’” Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Let us move beyond our comfort zone. What is the Lord asking you to do, to be detached from, and to surrender to His loving care?
Lord, help me to see where my comfort zone lies. Help me to move beyond this to accept Your will in my life.

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