
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Daily Reflections- June 06, 2012

A popular brand’s commercial goes: Para kanino ka bumabangon? (Who do you rise up for?) Applying it to our daily lives, it asks us how we rise up to the daily challenges that test our character and true values.
Following Jesus is not an easy path. Rejections and doubts can come in many forms: erroneous teachings, divisions in the communities, and numerous injustices. Then and now, there are many ways that lead us off-center, away from the truth and life of being a disciple of Christ.
Paul’s letter to Timothy acknowledges the hardships that the ministry entails. Even Paul’s imprisonment attests to the suffering that testimony to the Gospel embraces. Paul reminds Timothy of the spirit of courage he received from the laying of the hands, a flame of faith passed on from his ancestors. The ember that Paul received led him to face imprisonment, rejections and sufferings because he kept alive the faith that Jesus overcame death.
How many saints and Christians have testified and faced rejections and martyrdom for the sake of the Gospel? How many more will embrace the cross for the sake of dignity of people? It is easier to keep your mouth shut and follow the crowd. Can we witness to that which is most important for us? Can we be accountable to the faith we profess? Truth-tellers and prophets shine in the dark!
Fr. Pedro Arrupe, S.J. reminds us, “What we are in love with, what seizes our imagination will decide everything.” Fr. Teodulo P. Gonzales, S.J
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: What hardships do you go through for the sake of the Gospel? What is the source of your courage in bearing witness to what you truly believe in? How can you testify to your faith in times of injustice and doubt?
Dear God, grant us courage to bear witness for Jesus and the Gospel.

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