
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Daily Reflections- May 09, 2012

Remaining in Him
As much as possible, we priests avoid delivering homilies in front of each other. Fellow priests could be so unforgiving when they listen to each other. In our class, we usually give this comment after hearing a batch mate deliver a homily or say something beautiful in a talk or conference. We would say in jest, “What you said is beautiful. I hope it could be seen in your life.” Many times in the Gospels, I hear Jesus denouncing the Pharisees and religious leaders of His time about their hypocrisy, and I cannot but feel alluded to and convicted. How many times have I found myself saying one thing yet doing another? How many times have I heard myself preaching one thing yet fail in living it out?
With humility, I go on in my preaching ministry, knowing that Jesus gave this to me not because I am worthy, perfect or unblemished. I go on in the ministry of preaching the Word knowing that being a good minister does not mean that you will never commit a mistake. Being a good minister means that when you fail, you call on the Lord to strengthen you and enable you to begin again.
The Lord was condemning the Pharisees not because they committed mistakes. The Lord denounced the Pharisees because they persisted stubbornly in their mistakes. Today’s Gospel is very consoling. He assures me that so long as I remain attached to Him as a vine to the branches, I can continue to bear fruit and produce abundantly. I believe the same is true for everyone.
Today, let us pray for our Church leaders and for all the Church’s ministers. Let us pray that they give credence to what they preach by concrete examples. But let us also pray that, should they fail, they may remain attached to the Lord who called them into this ministry and is ultimately the One who will bring success to the work of their hands. Fr. Joel Jason
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you include your pastor in your daily prayers? Do you encourage them in their moments of inadequacy?
Lord Jesus, we pray today for Your ministers. You called them to work in Your vineyard. Sustain their efforts and make up for their many inadequacies. Amen.

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