
Monday, April 2, 2012

Daily Reflections- March 31, 2012

The First Reading on the one hand talks about the Israelites’ exile in Babylon. It was a time of uncertainty. On the other hand, the Gospel talks about the Israelites being under the Roman rule. With the influence and the power ofJesus growing, there was fear on the side of the Israelites in power that they might be dislodged. “If we leave him alone, all will believe in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our land and our nation.” He was misjudged, misinterpreted. The Jewish leaders plotted to kill him. Do we do the same to our leaders or even to the ordinary people around us? Do we exile people by misjudging them and by our indifference?
In the midst of Babylonian exile, Ezekiel inspired the people to have hope in the promise that God would gather them and unify them under one shepherd. He promised them they would return to their homeland. From dried bones, they would be restored to life. They would be cleansed from their idolatry. They would be united under one covenant of peace. They would find sanctuary in God who will be with them. They shall be His people. Like a shepherd, He will guard His flock, the psalmist sings. The fulfillment of the covenant of peace would be in Jesus. Do we believe in this promise?
The Philippine government is considering peace once more. What can bring long-lasting peace? Is it the cessation of hostilities? Yes, but genuine peace means justice. Issues of land, education, health and good governance have been some of our biggest struggles. Better leadership comes from turning away from old selfish ways to the dawn of a new day, inviting God to be very much a part of our lives. Do we invite Him in? What role does God play in our life?
Let us bring Jesus with us as we live our daily lives and not leave Him in Church after Sunday Mass. Fr. Teodulo P. Gonzales, S.J
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Who are some of the exiles in our country, in your home? How have you experienced God’s promise in your life? What can bring about lasting peace in your home, in the community where you belong?
Lord Jesus, help me to bring You to every nook and corner of my daily life.

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