
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Daily Reflections - April 9, 2012

The joy in the hearts of these two women is probably overflowing. They were at the foot of the cross. They saw him die. They joined those who brought Him to the tomb. But now He’s alive, just as He said. But just as remarkable as the joy that they experienced in seeing their Resurrected Lord is the other disposition that they have as they went out of the grave bearing the good news — they were fearful.
Why were they afraid? Was it because they were still not sure that Jesus, who has come back to life, was but a ghost? Were they afraid because they didn’t know how to handle the great news that they were told to relay to Jesus’ brothers? Were they afraid because they were women and that they were the most unexpected people to be given the special privilege of seeing the Resurrected Christ ahead of the chosen clique of men? Were they afraid that they will not be believed by those to whom they will proclaim the Good News?
The exact reason may escape us, but hearing the first words that came from Christ’s mouth as He met them on the road surely underscores the insignificance of that feeling in their hearts.
They were to dispel their fear as they begin a new chapter in their lives as disciples of Christ. They have to dispel their fears as they become bearers of God’s news. They should not be afraid to assume greater roles in the work of Christ simply because they are women. They should not let fear paralyze them as they perform the task that God has given them, no matter how unpopular the task or insignificant in the eyes of other people, or unacceptable to those who find the moral ways deplorable.
If you find yourself in the same boat as these two women, will you let your fear get the best of you or will you do as He tells you? Fr. Sandy V. Enhaynes
REFLECTION QUESTION: Are you afraid when you hear God in your heart telling you to do something that’s new to you or you feel you’re inadequate to do?
Lord Jesus, give me the grace to accept and follow Your commands in my life, no matter how big or unpopular they may be.

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