
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Daily Reflections - April 8, 2012

“Jesus is Risen!” is the cry of an Easter people. There is nothing more important to us than this. If Jesus has not risen from the dead, then the Gospel is emptied of its power and our lives of discipleship are meaningless in the equation of eternal life. We may be good people, but good is not enough to merit eternal life. Only the offer of salvation from Jesus, through His death and resurrection, can merit us eternal life. It is important for us to deepen our appreciation of this truth. The more we believe it, the more we will be able to pay the price of discipleship.
Jesus is not interested in lip service. This is why He came in person to redeem us. He came to reveal to us the true nature of love — the demands love makes and the consequences of these demands — for those who wish to be numbered among the saints of God. For 2,000 years, God has worked with a people who, while at times very pliant to His will and love, more often than not demonstrated a remarkable ability to reject God’s offer of love and set out according to their own wisdom.
We all have to learn to submit our wills to that of God if we want the best for our lives. Nothing and no one can force us to do this, but there are consequences if we choose not to obey God’s will. One of these consequences will be the failure to enter into eternal life.
Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, which God wants us all to experience. If we truly open our hearts to the fullness of the promise of Jesus’ resurrection, it will be virtually impossible for us not to accept the gift He offers and so enter into a life of discipleshipFr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Is your heart open to the truth and power of the resurrection? How willing are you to follow God’s will for your life?
Jesus, You have revealed the Father’s love to us in unequivocal fashion. Help me to surrender my life to You and follow wherever You lead me.

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