
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Daily Reflections - April 5, 2012

There are three celebrations of the Passover in John’s Gospel. The first is at the wedding in Cana (2:13) with the miracle of the wine; the second is at the multiplication of the loaves (6:4); and the third one is here, as we are about to enter into the Passion of Jesus. What does this tell us about the author’s intention? We will never really know, but it seems that he wants to frame Jesus’ life and ministry within the context of the Passover celebration because he sees Jesus as the new Paschal Lamb, sacrificed on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins.
There is no Last Supper in John’s Gospel because Jesus Himself is the sacrificed paschal or Passover lamb. The two leading Passovers highlight the elements that are central to the Eucharistic celebration, namely the bread and wine. It is quite clear that there is an abundance of these elements such that the people are not about to go thirsty or hungry. John specifically tells us that he considers Jesus to be the new Passover lamb (1:36) and that the sacrifice of His life will be enough to redeem all people.
Furthermore, we need to understand that the author of John’s Gospel is very well-versed in Jewish practice. The Passover imagery is very important in understanding the Gospel. It presents Jesus as the New Lawgiver and that it is in following, abiding, surrendering and living in the truth of His personal witness that we will be faithful disciples. It is necessary for us to understand the Jewish mindset as this gives us a deeper appreciation of the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. The Passover lamb is without blemish, just as Jesus is without sin.
The element of service is important also in that true leadership is expressed precisely in one’s willingness and commitment to lay down his life for the sake of the faithful community. How many of us are ready to die for others? Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: What is the biggest challenge that you are facing in your life today? Can you break it down into smaller pieces?
Holy Spirit, help me to surrender to God’s will and live it to the full. Help me to share my faith with others.

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