
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Daily Reflections - April 4, 2012

There was a film back in the 80s called Sleeping with the Enemy. Today’s Gospel passage might well be titled Eating with the Enemy. One of the things about having a meal with someone is that very rarely will you sit down to eat with your enemy unless it is for some sort of clandestine purpose. We eat meals with our friends, not our foes.
This understanding of eating enhances our understanding of the Eucharist as we realize that the “meal” aspect of the Eucharist speaks very strongly of the unity of the Body of Christ. At the Last Supper, Jesus spends time with His friends because He knows this will be their last meal together. However, Jesus does not sentimentalize this experience; He sacramentalizes it with the institution of the Eucharist. Whenever the Eucharist is celebrated, unity is being celebrated. We are one community with all who celebrate the Eucharist. Paul understood this when he berated the Corinthians for thedisunity and factions in their midst.
The Passover for the Jews is the event that constituted them as a people, the People of God. It is the same with the Christian understanding of the Eucharist. When we celebrate the Eucharist, we are “doing what Jesus did” 2,000 years ago. More than that, what Jesus did 2,000 years ago is made present to us in a sacramental way such that we can eat His body and drink His blood.
There will always be those who do not want to join with us — that is their prerogative. It is unfortunate but at the same time we have to be realistic and allow everyone the freedom to make their own decision about following Jesus. The challenge each of us faces is precisely this choice. Let us pray for the grace to choose well and so walk the path to eternal  life. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: What is the most difficult choice you have made in your life? How did you make it? How can you best grow in faith so that you will choose well in the future?
Jesus, help me seek Your will for my life and grant me the grace to follow it.

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