
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Daily Reflections - April 3, 2012

It is easy to say that we are going to avoid sin in the future, but it is much more difficult to live up to that commitment. Peter is an impetuous man who seems to like to think that he is in control of his life. How little he understands of the nature of temptation. We tend to be like Peter in the sense that we do not give the power of sin and temptation its due respect. I am not saying that we need to exalt it but, as wise people say, one of the first battles a person has to win in a war is identifying where the greatest danger lies.
In the spiritual life, one of the greatest dangers is over-confidence in one’s ability to combat the powers of sin. We may gain a few victories but eventually sin will seep in and disaster will strike. The best defense against the power of sin is humility. It is admitting that we need the help of the Holy Spirit to combat the powers of sin and temptation. There is nothing wrong or weak in this; it is simply the truth, and the sooner we recognize it, the sooner we will put sin to death in our lives.
Today’s Gospel presents us with two sinners and their sins — Judas and Peter, betrayer and denier of Jesus, respectively. The difference is that Judas despaired and eventually takes his own life (Acts 1) while Peter repents and recommits himself to following Jesus (John 21).
We can put sin to death at two different stages of its life. The first is by simply denying the temptation and never allowing it in. The second is through repentance and conversion of heart. I am sure we will all exercise both these options many times in our lives. Let us pray that we will have the grace and humility to do better each day as we seek to follow Jesus wherever He may lead us. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you tend to easily give in to temptation and sin? How can you better recognize temptation as it comes to your life?
Lord Jesus, grant me the grace to be fully aware of the temptations in my life and the courage to flee from them.

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