
Monday, April 2, 2012

Daily Reflections - April 2, 2012

The author of the fourth Gospel takes this anointing pericope and uses it to introduce Judas as the one who will betray Jesus. Judas is a key player in John’s Gospel as he is a symbol of all that is wrong with the world. He lies about his concern towards the woman wasting money by pouring expensive perfume over Jesus. The basic form of this story is simply the anointing with the disciples concerned about the waste. In this Gospel, it is Judas who gains the focus. Why?
Judas says one thing but we are told that his statement is untrue and that he is really a thief. The opportunity to enrich himself is lost with the waste of the perfume. This is the nature of sin. Every sin that we do is an opportunity for good, but the problem is that we fail to choose the good and pick sin instead. Judas represents sin in the Gospel, betraying all that is good about the human condition. We are all created for beatitude, for glory with God, but we continually choose the path of sin and so betray our true identity as sons and daughters of God the Father. This is the tragedy of sin in a nutshell. We need to reflect upon the nature of sin so that we will be better prepared to avoid it.
Having said that, Jesus “needs” someone to betray Him for us to realize the fullness of the effect of sin. Sin makes us what we are never meant to be — at enmity with God. In this betrayal of our true identity as created in the image and likeness of God, we become less than what we can be as children of God. This indicates that we are in a fight for our eternal souls! There is a power at work in the world that is destroying us, namely sin, and we need to combat it with every tool and aid we have at hand. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Are the words that you speak true to the way of life that you lead? Are you true to your identity as a  son/daughter of God?
Holy Spirit, help me to know the truth and to live it to the full in my life. Help me to live as a son or daughter of God in the fullness of all the gifts You have for me.

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