
Friday, March 16, 2012

Daily Reflections- March 16, 2012

Love learned from Christ

“What makes you a good Christian?” I once asked during a recollection. What surprised me was that more than two-thirds of the participants wrote, “Obeying the commandments of God and of the Church.”
There are still many of us Christians today who see our relationship with God in terms of observing laws, commandments and rules. They go to church on Sunday, often coming late, to fulfill their obligation. They celebrate the events of Holy Week to do their Easter duty.
Maybe that was also what the scribe had in mind when he approached Jesus, asking Him which He thought was the first of all the commandments. But then Jesus reminded him, and us today, that whatever we do as Christians, in church, in our families, and at work should flow not out of a sense of obligation but out of love for God and neighbor. No, obedience is not the first duty of a Christian. Love is! And that means love of God and love of neighbor. One cannot go without the other.
We might find it relatively easy to love God, or not difficult to love certain neighbors. But, to be honest, it is not that easy to love all people with whom we live.
It depends, of course, on our understanding of love. If love is that sugary, wimpy thing that so many love songs croon about, then we cannot love all. As long as love is a matter of feelings, we cannot love anybody. But the love that the Gospels speak about has nothing to do with emotions. It is the decision to wish everybody well because all the people around me are beloved children of the Father who loves me, too. That kind of love depends on my will and reasoning, and so is beyond feelings and emotions. That’s  the love Jesus demonstrated when He died on the Cross for us, unlovable sinners.
That’s the love we have to learn. Fr. Rudy Horst, SVD
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do I have difficulties in loving certain people? Can I not at least pray for them?
Lord, help me during this Lenten season to learn from You how to love even the unlovable.

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