
Monday, February 13, 2012

Daily Reflections - February 12, 2012

One of the most difficult tendencies that Christians have to overcome in living a truly moral and Christian life in the modern world is the tendency to compartmentalize our lives. Whether consciously or subconsciously, we divide our lives into compartments: spiritual life, work life, family life, and so on. The problem with this is that we become five or six different people as these “lives” have little in common. We become divided and split between various personalities.
Paul tells us that for a Christian, this is impossible. He tells us that it does not matter what element of our lives we are living at a particular moment, but that we should imitate Christ in all that we do. Our Christian faith must penetrate and affect our entire lives and our whole beings. Without this, we will not be living a truly Christian life. We cannot separate any aspect of our life from our Christian faith. Discipleship is learning how to integrate our faith into every aspect of our lives.
This tendency to compartmentalize our lives also contributes to the amount and severity of psychological illnesses of people in the world today. The prevalence of so many personality disorders, both the number of people who suffer from them and the severity of their suffering, indicates that there is a fundamental problem with people’s self-perception and capacity to discern and act on the things that are truly important in life. If only we can reintegrate ourselves as persons, accept who we are, and not be worried about how others perceive us, we would live healthier and fuller lives.
It is time for us to listen to the Gospel with greater clarity and commitment and to realize that, no matter who we are, God has created us and loves us. This is what matters ultimately. Of course we need the love of our family and friends, but we will discover we have far more of this love when we are true to who we are in God’s eyes and when we live a more integrated and simpler life. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you tend to please others rather than allow your true personality to shine? Are you a slave to what others think or might be thinking of you?
Lord Jesus, I resolve today to be more faithful to the unique life You have given me. Help me to be true to myself and to love You and others in all that I do.

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