
Friday, December 2, 2011

Daily Reflections

December 2, 2011
Active Dreaming

A couple, both 60 years old, was celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary. While walking on the beach they stumbled upon a lamp where a genie resides. After liberating the genie, they were granted the proverbial three wishes. The man immediately said, “ I want you to give me a fleet of cars!” Immediately, the wish was granted. As a follow-up, he requested again, “Give me lots and lots of cash.” It was granted. Then finally, he whispered to the genie, “Give me a wife, 40 years younger than me.” Immediately, he became 100 years old.
Maybe the genie was dumb. Or maybe, he saw through the selfishness of the husband who thought only of his wishes.
Our readings for today speak of Advent dreams fulfilled and realized. The first reading outlines for us the vision of Isaiah, the promise to be brought about by the awaited coming Messiah: “The deaf shall hear… the eyes of the blind shall see… and the poor rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.” In the Gospel, we see a glimpse of the fulfillment of that vision. Two blind men from Capernaum were healed of their blindness.
The season of Advent speaks of the joyful anticipation of hopes realized and promises fulfilled in the coming of the long-awaited Messiah. Today, I would like to propose that we look at the Advent season not only from the point of view of the two blind men who were healed but from the point of view of Jesus, who performed the healing. Make your Advent season not only a passive one, that is, a time for receiving. Rather, make it an active one — a time for giving. This Advent, ask not only that your prayers may be answered. Pray also that you may be the answer to other people’s prayers. Fr. Joel O. Jason

Reflection Question:
When was the last time you actually went out of your way to do something for someone you do not even know? In prayer, look into your heart and ask the Lord to elevate the desires of your heart from being the recipient to being the giver.

Lord Jesus, Emmanuel, may I not passively wait for Your coming. Allow me to actively hasten your coming by being Your instrument of love and service. Amen.

St. Pontian, pray for us.

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