
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Daily Reflections

November 3, 2011

Like any good teacher, Jesus will always be quick to put analogies to His teaching so His listeners would easily understand the message He wants to convey. Often, when people ask Him questions, He responds by giving a parable. Today’s Gospel is one of those instances.
Many people are drawing closer to Jesus and this fact offends the Pharisees and scribes. They begin to complain. Why is this man of respect, a so-called miracle worker, in fellowship with these sinners? In answer to their complaint, Jesus tells two parables: the lost sheep and the lost coin.
The shepherd image is a very familiar one to the Jews. There is a close relationship between shepherd and sheep. The shepherd would go so far as to travel mountains and ravines to seek the lost. Once found, joy and celebration would follow. The woman who loses her coin would painstakingly search the house to find it. The house is swept; lamps are lit in order to make a thorough search for the one lost coin. Again, joy and celebration would follow after finding the coin.
Both parables speak about the joy one discovers in finding a lost object. Sinners and tax collectors are the lost ones whom Jesus celebrates with joy upon their entrance in the Kingdom of God. God is like the shepherd or the woman making that thorough search for the stray and lost. The search does not end until it has been found again. The very ones who draw near to Jesus have found the treasure. The complainants are still searching!
In our lives, we know what joy there is when we find something we have been looking for, usually after a thorough search. Once found we do not want to let it go.
Jesus searches for us. Have we allowed Him to find us and bring us home? There will be great rejoicing in heaven over one who repents. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL

Reflection Question:
Have you found the Lord?

Lord, You search me and You know me. Give me the joy of being found by You again. Amen.

St. Winifred, pray for us.

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