
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Daily Reflections

November 29, 2011

One can almost feel joy leap from the pages of Scripture as we read the Gospel today. Jesus rejoices in the Holy Spirit because the will of the Father is being fulfilled in His very midst. There is a great sense of exultation and exuberant gratitude in Jesus’ prayer to the Father.
The disciples have just returned from the various ministries. They are overwhelmed at the wonders and marvels of God. As they report all that has been accomplished, Jesus responds in joy. That which has been kept hidden from the wise and the clever is being revealed to mere children, those not so knowledgeable. This is Jesus’ joy! This is also our joy. We have been given the blessing of the knowledge of the Father. Jesus has chosen us to have this knowledge.
Having made the public display of praise, He turns to His disciples in a very private way and proclaims their blessedness. They see and hear what the prophets of old have longed for — the coming of the Messiah. St. John of the Cross informs us that God has spoken one definitive word and that is Jesus the Word made Flesh. He has nothing more to say. The Church teaches us that Jesus is the revelation of the Father. He is the image of the invisible God — that is something to rejoice in. Jesus teaches us the will of the Father. He communicates the desires, hopes, plans and love of the Father. To see Jesus is to see the Father.
In this time of Advent, let us imitate the joyous expression of Jesus. We are made co-sharers and co-workers in Jesus’ joy. Jesus has come into our midst to provide access to the Father. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. In Him, our hopes are restored and we find the true joy of salvation. In His name, we can rejoice because what has been hidden is now exposed and made clear to us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our names are written in the book of Life. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL

Reflection Question:
How is the revelation of Jesus made known to you?

Thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth. Jesus has revealed Himself to me. Amen.

St. Sadwen, pray for us.

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