October 15, 2011
the sin against the Holy Spirit
When I discussed in a seminar the Letter to the Hebrews, we came to a passage where the author of the letter wrote about a sin that seemingly would and could not be forgiven anymore. The discussion led us to the “sin against the Holy Spirit” that will not be forgiven, as we hear Jesus saying in today’s Gospel passage. What kind of sin is this?
When Jesus spoke to the Jews, they did not yet know anything about the third person of the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Spirit. When they heard “Holy Spirit,” they thought of God’s Spirit which reveals God’s truth, and it was through God’s Spirit that one could recognize this truth. This needs a certain openness to God’s revelation. One has to stay attuned to God’s teachings. Or to use a modern term: one has to have a spiritual antenna and it has to be turned into the direction where the radio waves are coming from. If one does not care, he either takes down the antenna or does not turn it in the right direction. And that, for the Jews, was a refusal to listen to God, cutting one’s self off from where revelation and divine guidance come.
This is what Jesus calls “sin against the Holy Spirit.”
The Pharisees saw Jesus working miracles, driving out evil spirits — obviously acts of God. And still they accused Him of doing so by the power of the prince of devils. Nothing and nobody could make them accept Jesus as being sent by God.
God continues to speak to us, especially through Scriptures. He also speaks to us through the teachings of the Church, through experiences in life, through good people around us. It depends on us to listen and accept what we hear as coming from God or to reject it because it does not fit in our lifestyle. That would be a “ sin against the Holy Spirit,” a sin that, as Jesus said, will not be forgiven. Fr. Rudy Horst, SVD
Reflection Question:
Which teachings of Christ and of the Church have I difficulties in accepting and following?
Lord, sometimes Your words are hard and difficult to accept. Sometimes the Church seems to be so strict. Then I tend to close myself. Thank You for reminding me today that I am about to commit that horrible sin. With Your help, may I never really commit it.
Blessed Victoria Strata, pray for us.
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