
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Daily Reflections

October 12, 2011
Privilege and Responsibility

Today’s Gospel passage continues Jesus’ harsh words against hypocrisy. Let us look at today’s first reading where St. Paul gives us an important lesson about judging others.
The Jews of his time often felt superior to the pagans. They called themselves the “Chosen People” and concluded that in the eyes of God they were better than other nations. Paul now speaks out strongly against such judgments.
In the Old Testament’s Book of Deuteronomy we read that God has chosen the Israelites, but not because they were better than other nations. God chose them in spite of them being a stubborn people. God’s choice has nothing to do with favoritism. At the end of today’s reading, Paul states clearly, “God has no favorites.”
God chose Israel so that they become a “holy people” and make God’s holiness visible to the other nations. In other words, being chosen by God does not mean to be a favorite of God but to have received a special task from God. Being chosen by God does not allow us to look down on others. Being chosen by God is a privilege but more than that it is responsibility.
We here in the Philippines are often quite proud being the only Christian nation in Asia. In a way, it seems that God has chosen this nation. Why? Because we are better than other Asian nations? Surely not! I had Buddhist friends in Japan who lived a more Christian life than many baptized Christians. As God chose Israel of old for a special task, so did He with our country. We have a special task in Asia: to make God visible and to attract other nations to the Gospel.
The question is: Are we doing this? The news from here about graft, corruption, murder and other crimes are surely not very attractive and will not lead other people in Asia to Christ.
We might be focusing too much on the privilege and forgetting the responsibility. Fr. Rudy Horst, SVD

Reflection Question:
Do I live a life that makes Christ visible? Do I, through my example, attract others to Christ and His Church?

Lord, it is so easy to become proud when I see the churches filled with people on Sundays. But I feel ashamed when I see what happens in daily life. Lord, help me to be more responsible that my lifestyle and example may bring others to You.

St. Fiace, pray for us.

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