
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Daily Reflections

September 20, 2011

“My mother and brothers are those who listen to the words of God and do it.” These were Jesus’ words when some people tried to get His attention by telling Him that His Mother and brothers were looking for Him as he was speaking to some eager listeners. Far from other people’s belief that Jesus dismisses His Mother by saying so, He actually extols His Mother with those words. For His mother was the first one who heard God’s words and believed them. She listened to God’s words and really looked forward to seeing its fulfillment in her life.
She knew, as exhibited by her words during the visitation, that what just happened to her was a fulfillment of the promise—God’s words of old — that would be realized in and through her. With those words, Jesus said something like, “Look at my Mother here. Yes, she is so blessed for giving birth to me, but more blessed is she for having listened to My Father’s words and believing that they would be realized in her. Look at her, a perfect example of what I am telling You. She becomes more of a mother to me because of her continuous receptivity and obedience to God’s words spoken through Me.”
Those words of Jesus should encourage us. For with those words we have been made eligible to this divine kinship that we may perhaps be thinking is exclusive to Mary, Joseph or even the Apostles. Now we know that we can be “related” to Christ. And the way to enter this relationship is by hearing the words of God and obeying them. Fr. Sandy V. Enhaynes

Reflection Question:
How much of a Mary do you have in you? Do you listen to God’s words for you? Do you obey them?

Lord, may my heart be always open to receive Your word and my will always ready to obey and act on them. & nbsp;

St. Lawrence Imbert, pray for us.

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