
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Daily Reflections

September 26, 2011

As a new director of our parochial school, I go around during breaks to meet the children. I look forward to the discoveries and joys in every encounter. One school day, after their break, I saw a young boy near the canteen crying. I approached him and ask him why he was not in his class. He said that the classes were too long and they keep changing teachers! It turned out that he was a grade one student and was experiencing a period of adjustment from his preparatory school where classes were relatively short and there was only one teacher in charge. I brought the boy to the Guidance Counselor’s Office and they told me that it was a natural occurrence for grade one pupils.
Oh, the innocence of a child! This lies at the heart of Jesus’ message in today’s Gospel. He used this to respond to the disciple’s reluctance in accepting somebody who does what they do. But the Lord answered that whoever is not against you is for you! The person is a child of God because he does good. He was not doing anything offensive to God.
That was our situation when we were children. We might have done some mischief, naughtiness or mistakes but we were always candid and free. There was always the intention to achieve the best and do what is good. Our limitations and weakness sometimes bring us to failures and worse, ill actions. Nevertheless, before the eyes of God, we are still good.
God wants us to be perfect because He is perfect. He expects us to strive to give our best. He encourages us to make use of everything He had bestowed on us. He does the rest! As creatures, we are wanting. But our dependence on Him and humility allow us to be completed and complimented by God. With this attitude, we can never go wrong. We will never be against God. Fr. Benny Tuazon

Reflection Question:
Trust in God’s goodness in you. Draw from the gifts He has given you and be a blessing to your world today.

Lord, make me perfect like You —not in the sense of being free from failures or mistakes but in letting You fill in what I lack. Amen.

St. Senator, pray for us.

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