
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Daily Reflections

August 1, 2011

The parable of the Loaves and Fishes is technically not a story about the abundance of God per se but about the nature of the Kingdom of God and the abundances within in it. All miracles are signs that the Kingdom of God is breaking into our world and changing its nature to the degree that we allow it. Some of the more “modern” theologians like to interpret this event as a lesson about the need to share what we have with others and, if we do this, we will discover that between us all we have more than enough to get by. While there is truth to the moral of the story as just outlined it is not the message of this miracle. This miracle is all about God demonstrating His power to intervene in the lives of those who will entrust everything we have to Him.
It is essential that we Catholics believe in the miracles of God as we still need them to help us in our walk as disciples of Jesus. It is not enough to believe that as the Body of Christ, we can together achieve our own salvation and happiness. We need God to intervene in our lives to save us and redeem us from our sins. We need God to be “bigger” than we are or else all is lost!
The miracles of Jesus are signs of the Kingdom of God not just another parable or two. The miracles of Jesus are real and historical —we cannot do without them. The miracles of Jesus are still occurring today all over the world where people have the faith to ask for them. I hope we are numbered among these people!
It is time for us to forget about the skepticism of the world and believe. Let us believe in all that God promises in the Scriptures, including the miracles and the power to perform them in our day. Miracles are part of our Christian heritage and I, for one, am not about to give them up! Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL

Reflection Question:
Do I really believe that God still works miracles today — that he could even work a miracle through my weak faith?

Lord Jesus, help me to trust in God’s power and love as You did and to never doubt that You want to be a part of my life.

St. Sofia, pray for us.

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