
Friday, July 29, 2011

Daily Reflections

July 28, 2011

I was assigned to be part of the team of formators for the seminary when I was a young priest. At the start of every school year, we would pray fervently that our vocations promoter would find a good number of young men who were interested in training in the seminary and had the calling. But at the end of every school year, we’d find ourselves sifting through those who have gone through the seminary formation with us and making tough decisions on whom to re-admit into the next level of training and whom to advise to go out.
Today’s Gospel makes me realize that this routine in the seminary is a microcosm of God’s work of building His Kingdom. He loves to embrace and welcome all into His “net.” However, in the end, there is also a need for evaluation and judgment. Our desire for quantity must not blind us from considering quality.
The wisdom in Jesus’ parable should be a good guide in our effort to build up our parishes, renewal groups, marriage encounter communities and so on. Much as we want to involve everyone, we also have to balance the number of members with the quality of those whom we invite into the community. The following considerations could help us:
1. Invite and retain people who can share and further our mission and vision. Persons who are convinced of the community’s vision-mission and who have the human, spiritual and material ability to work for it can take on the task of shepherding the community in the future.
2. Discern who can be leaders and those who are committed workers. Be realistic about your expectations of people based on their aptitude, personality and resources. Even St. Thomas Aquinas preached, “God’s grace builds on nature.” Community life is like the body where there are different parts with different competencies.
3. To be realistic is an act of charity. Joy comes with fulfillment; fulfillment can only be achieved according to what God has decreed. Let us not raise false hopes in others. Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP

Reflection Question:
Pray for the grace to combine being frank and being gentle in dealing with others, especially in your community and ministry.

Father of the Harvest, send workers to Your Kingdom.

St. Peregrinus, pray for us.

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