
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Daily Reflections

July 27, 2011

I was a member of one of our choirs at the Paco Catholic School when I was a young student. One piece that we had to master was a song entitled “One God.” Part of the lyrics of the song goes: “Many the ways, all of us pray to one God; many the paths winding their way to one God...
One Father, loving each the same.” These words ring loudly in me as I reflect on the two parables about the Kingdom of God in today’s Gospel.
The first parable about the buried treasure highlights how God’s reign and friendship can come to someone in the midst of other preoccupations in life. The stories of a good number of the apostles illustrate the parable. These men encountered the greatest treasure in their lives — Jesus calling them — while they were engaged with their trades. The second parable, which likens God’s Kingdom to a merchant’s search for the best pearl, makes us realize that there are occasions when the treasure is found through a quest.
Whichever way the Lord God chooses to reveal His reign and friendship to us, it is important that we are receptive to the work of His spirit. More importantly, we have to know how to yield to God when He reveals His plan to us. This is usually where the struggle is — in giving our unconditional “yes” to the Lord.
The two parables teach us that the Kingdom of God demands an exchange. The man who accidentally discovered the hidden treasure in the field had to go home and sell all that he had in order to buy the field. The merchant engaged in the search for fine pearls also had to go and sell all his other pearls and gems so that he could buy and possess the pearl of the great price.
When we discover the path to God, we need to make a choice — one choice among many. The hardest choice is a choice among so many goods. Surely, the man’s and the merchant’s other possessions that they had to sell were “good things.” How ready are we to walk with God and follow the path He has chosen for us? Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP

Reflection Question:
Which of the two parables today speak more about your own experience with God and with His plans in your life? Are you enjoying your life with God? What is your secret?

Lord God, give me the courage to say “yes” to Your call for my life. And when I have said my “yes,” help me fulfill it to the best that I can. Amen.

Blessed Titus Brandsma, pray for us.

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