
Friday, July 8, 2011

Daily Reflections

July 7, 2011
God provides for those whom he sends

Having a family member confined in a hospital is a derailing experience. We have to see to it that there is always someone available to look after the sick family member. It is our cultural value to personally care for sick and aging family members. We adjust our work schedules to be able to do this. There is also the anxiety over expenditures for hospital bills, medicines and doctors’ fees.
I experienced all the above when our 68-year-old mother had to be hospitalized three times in a period of a month and a half. Two things I am personally thankful for: first, that during those trying moments my youngest sister happened to be around for a vacation; and second, that the members of the various renewal communities I minister to were sensitive to my predicament. They were quick to offer help, such as offering continuous prayers, visiting my mother and handing gifts that helped us through. All these were answered prayers. On several occasions, I candidly lifted up my heart and mind to the Lord in prayer in this manner: “Lord, You have made me a minister to serve Your Church with my everything. This untoward event with my mother overtakes me at the height of many schedules for Lent and Easter. Lord, I trust in Your infinite wisdom and goodness. I know that You will take care of my mother and that You will see to it that I serve You and Your Church with uninterrupted peace. Amen.” And the Lord showed what He was capable of!
Our Gospel passage today underlines not only Jesus’ missionary mandate for the first disciples; it also declares Jesus’ promise that He will provide sustenance for us to be faithful to our ordained mission and God-given responsibilities.We just have to trust God’s Word, and then do what we have to do. Many times, God’s power and wisdom need the backdrop of human helplessness and hopelessness so that we can easily recognize His work. Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP

Reflection Question:
Look back at your own personal experience of God’s timely ways to sustain you in your own life priorities and ministry.

Lord, help me not to doubt that You will always provide for my needs as I try to accomplish Your purpose for my life. Amen.

St. Ethelburga, pray for us.

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