
Saturday, September 12, 2020




We all have probably tried to build a sandcastle within the tidal zone of a beach and failed. We might have succeeded temporarily, only to watch the waves wash it away when the tide rises. Why is this?

The waves are incredibly strong and can erode coastlines of rock and allow the sea to move inland. However, there is a more serious problem for a sandcastle—it lacks a firm foundation. The reason the waves can destroy it in a matter of minutes is because sand is an inherently unstable base upon which to build something. Rock is a lot better. The firmer the foundation, the more likely the building will remain standing.

The same can be said of our relationships. Our relationship with anyone, including God, will be as good as the foundation or commitment upon which we build them. If we are truly committed in developing a relationship with God, we need to have a daily prayer life, regular Bible reading and study, and discern His will for our lives and follow it.

The reality is, becoming a friend of Jesus is a lifelong commitment, just like when we want to become friends with anyone else. Are we willing to give it the same commitment? This relationship and the extent to which we develop it will help determine our eternal destiny. God wants us to become His friends so He can impart the gift of eternal life to us. Let us choose to become friends with Jesus and set our lives on the path of getting to know Him more and more each day. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL

---------- REFLECTION QUESTION ----------

Have you chosen a life of discipleship or do you tend to just dip into the idea of developing a relationship with Jesus?

Holy Spirit, help me to follow Jesus so that I will live my life under the grace of His blessing and love. Amen.

Today, I pray for: ___________________________

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