
Tuesday, September 15, 2020



Never underestimate the grace we can receive by simply gazing at the Cross of Jesus in silence. Reflecting upon the image of Mary and John, and probably a few others standing at the foot of the Cross just before Jesus dies, is incredibly moving. Jesus wants to ensure Mary will be cared for so He entrusts her to John, probably the youngest of the disciples. He also teaches John that Mary’s role in the work of salvation will lead her to assume the position of Mother of the Church through her maternal care and intercession for all who believe.

We should make it a point to stand before the cross of Jesus as often as we can and ask Jesus what His last words to us may be. We should not simply accept the dialogue given to us in the Scriptures but seek to personalize our experience by asking Jesus what He would want to say to us.

This is not presumption, but instead a natural flow from what we see and read in the Scriptures. We can be sure God wants to work in our lives, so let us never fear to come close to Him and ask Him what His advice to us may be. It is important that we take every opportunity we can to gain God’s wisdom, as it is certain we will experience the desolation of the Cross as well. In order to survive these times, gaining consolation when we can is important.

Let us also ask for the intercession of Mary who has experienced the desolation of seeing her Son executed, and so knows both the blessing and struggle of discipleship. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL

---------- REFLECTION QUESTIONS -----------

How often do you reflect on the reality of the Cross of Jesus? Shouldn’t you do this more often?

Mary, please pray that I may follow your Son more closely today and every day so that my life will be founded on my faith in Him and His goodness to me. Amen.

Today, I pray for: ____________________________

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