
Sunday, September 20, 2020




Being a laborer in the vineyard of the Lord means recognizing that we are in the service of God. We are not in a position to dictate how things should be done. We are not the owner of the vineyard, and so we only take instructions from the owner. There is nothing humiliating in this—God is our Creator and He knows what is best for us and how we will find fulfillment and satisfaction in life.

Our role in the work of salvation is to follow God’s will. It is in following His will that we will discover our fullest satisfaction and gain God’s vision for our lives. There will always be a struggle within us to take control and run things on our own terms. However, this will only result in disaster. We cannot comprehend the full picture or the full scope of what God is doing in our lives, so we need to trust in His great design.

Jesus does not act alone. He is intent on obeying His Father’s will and constantly reminds us that He does only what the Father asks Him to do. This needs to be our goal as well—to learn how to discern God’s will for us and then to do it. Logically, we can work out a good percentage of what it means to follow Christ as His disciple. However, there will always be elements of mystery to God’s will. This should not worry us too much as we know that God always desires the best for us. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL

----------- REFLECTION QUESTIONS ----------

Do you believe that God has your best interests at heart? If not, why? Are you willing to surrender all to Him and trust that wherever He leads you will be the place that is best for you?

Holy Spirit, help me to surrender more and more each day to the graces You want to give me so that Your will be made manifest in my life. Amen.

Today, I pray for: ________________________

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