
Saturday, October 24, 2015

Are you afraid to take the risk of opening your life to the Spirit of God because you are not exactly sure what will happen to you? - Daily Reflections October 24,2015

There is something wonderful about chapter eight of Paul’s Letter to the Romans. It summarizes the reality of a life lived under the grace and Spirit of God. After the depressing discussions of Chapter 7, we move into the life of glory — that is, living under the grace of the Gospel in its fullness. The structure of the first four verses never ceases to capture my full attention. Everything builds to a crescendo stating that the fulfillment of the Law is discovered in living life under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
       A life lived under the power of the Holy Spirit remains elusive for Christians. We want to achieve redemption relying on our own works, even though we know this is impossible. We find ourselves always falling short. Common sense and logic dictate that we should give up relying on our own resources and allow the grace of the Spirit to do its thing. It is a mystery why we do not surrender fully to His love and grace.
       The life of the Spirit ought to be the goal of our lives. Why would we ignore the gift of the Holy Spirit given to us? We should allow it to empower our Christian response to the Gospel. Paul reminds us of the nature of true Christian living — it is nothing if it is not under the grace of the Holy Spirit. Yet, we spend very little time in catechism classes talking about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Perhaps now is the time for the Church to fully embrace its identity as a Holy Spirit-empowered community and awaken the so-called “sleeping giant” of our faith, the Holy Spirit. This will involve many challenges as the Spirit of God blows where it wills and will not necessarily conform to structures and plans that we are so fond of when it comes to order in the Church. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Are you afraid to take the risk of opening your life to the Spirit of God because you are not exactly sure what will happen to you?
Lord, I open my life to Your Holy Spirit. Help me with Your grace to be receptive and obedience to You.

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