
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Are you a “shrinking violet” when it comes to the battles of your faith or do you live in the fullness of the victory that Christ has won for you? - Daily Reflections September 20,2015

It is not easy to understand the idea of greatness in a way that people will all agree, more so when it comes to the Kingdom of God because greatness often takes on a paradoxical reality. Jesus often talks about the first becoming last and the last, first. What does this really mean?
       There is more to greatness than humility. Humility often allows a person to stop before taking an action in a given situation. However, true humility needs to embrace the truth that God has empowered us to live Christian lives in the world. We cannot shrink back at the challenge due to false humility. In the words of Hamlet, we have to “take up arms against a sea of troubles and, by confronting them, so end them!”
         Christians are called to be warriors for Christ. We do not shrink from a battle with the enemy — we confront him and defeat him in the name of and by the grace of Jesus. This is our destiny as sons and daughters of the Father. We are not being truly humble and surrendered to the Word and will of God unless we are winning the battles of the spirit that constantly confront us. We are called to be victorious and triumphant in battle, not relying on our own strength but drawing from the victory and strength of Christ on the cross and in His resurrection. This is who we are called to be — anything less than this is false humility.
       Jesus has set us free to live in the power of His grace and according to the gifts of the Spirit. Let us ensure that we always remain the light set on a hill top for all to see — for them to be guided on the path of truth that leads to eternal life. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Are you a “shrinking violet” when it comes to the battles of your faith or do you live in the fullness of the victory that Christ has won for you?
Holy Spirit, help me to live a fully empowered life as a disciple of Jesus. May I learn to use and exercise the gifts You have given me.

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