
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Is your life consecrated to the truth or do you live a life of deception and dishonesty? - Daily Reflections May 20,2015

The Lord really loves us as His disciples. His love is that of a parent who always wants the best for us. Jesus can see right through us — what we are right now and what we can become. He has our best interests in His heart and this is seen through the beautiful prayer He addresses to the Father on behalf of the disciples.
       Jesus’ concern is for us being in the world. He knows the world is a beautiful place. However, He knows that the world is also the field of the enemy. The enemy seeks to kill, rob and destroy those who want to live in the love of God. The enemy of our human nature is out to destroy us with vengeance.
       Jesus is seeking our protection. He is not saying that we be removed from this world but that the worldly influence may not overwhelm or overpower our dedication and response to the Lord. Just as He received the Father’s protection, He prays for the same help for His beloved friends.
       Jesus prays that we might be consecrated in truth. We are set apart by the truth that is personified in Jesus. We are called to make a difference to the world in which we live as witnesses to the truth. There are so many lies, deception and dishonesty in the world.
       As bearers of truth, we can point others to love and know Christ as we have done. The Father has sent Jesus into the world to bear witness to the truth. We are now sent by Jesus to bear witness to the truth of His love and peace.
       How can our lives bear witness to the truth? This is achieved through our actions, our choices, our lifestyles. In these days, let us invoke the Spirit of truth to guide, protect and lead us into the truth. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Is your life consecrated to the truth or do you live a life of deception and dishonesty?
Lord, in this world where I live, work and love, help me to be a good and honest influence to others. Amen.

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