
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How can you listen to the voice of the Lord, to the many things He wants to tell you? - Daily Reflections May 13,2015

Jesus’ life on earth was short — only 33 years. We could imagine the truth of His words in today’s Gospel: “I still have many things to say.” Jesus is passionate when it comes to describing His Father and the Kingdom of God. Like anyone passionate, you never run out of words to say. We have all of Jesus’ words recorded in the four gospels. Even St. John of the Cross informs us that God has told us everything. In His Son, He has nothing else to say. The Spirit will continue to guide, remind and encourage all disciples as to what Jesus desires to communicate.
         We are really indebted to the Holy Spirit who continues to breathe His power in the lives of so many, empowering them with His presence and gifts. He raises up men and women to communicate the true and loving ways of God. Even though Jesus is absent physically, He still speaks to us through the events and circumstances of our world. All we need are ears to hear His voice — a voice that speaks of peace to His people.
         Another way in which Jesus communicates to us is through the voice of His mother. Today, we celebrate the appearance of Mary to three children in Fatima, Portugal. As always, Mary reminds the people to repent and turn to God. She is a faithful mother, always leading her children to safer pastures.
         Let us pray for attentive hearts as we listen to the messages of our Mother — those apparitions officially recognized by the Church. Let us be aware that God speaks loud and clear in the events and circumstances of our days. Let us listen to the Word of God and obey it. By making ourselves available to God through these means, we will faithfully listen to the voice of Jesus when He tells His disciples: “I still have many things to tell you.” Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: How can you listen to the voice of the Lord, to the many things He wants to tell you?
Lord, send forth Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth. Amen.

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