
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Go out to the world and proclaim the Good News - Daily Reflections May 17,2015

This year’s liturgy (Year B) is taken from Mark’s Gospel. Mark writes his account of Jesus’ life very simply and without too much color. Often he writes very succinctly that in just a few lines you will get the message.
         Forty days ago, Jesus rose from the dead and began His mission of encountering His beloved friends. Some believed, some hesitated, and some walked away. But to those who would continue spreading the message of Jesus, He showed Himself to confirm that He was with them to the end of time. Mark writes about the “signs” associated with believers. These signs are the Acts of the Apostles, which Luke also writes in his accounts of the Early Church. The message is very simple: “Go!”
         To whom shall we go? Jesus commands His disciples to go out to the whole world, to let no corner be left untouched. Through the streets wide and narrow, in homes and in villages, in places of work and play, the disciples are to go far and wide spreading the message of Christ. Mark informs us what they did. The disciples went out and preached everywhere and the Lord was with them, working with them, and confirming their service. They were to continue the work of Jesus — preaching and teaching.
         We are disciples of Jesus. We are also called to go. We are to carry with us the joy of the Risen Christ, the love of His presence, and the hope of His salvation. Joy, love and hope are the fruits of life in the Risen Christ. The Lord will work in us and through us. Every nation, every land, every people will be touched by the powerful witness of the disciples of Jesus. We are not alone — He is with us, to the end of time. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION: Go out to the world and proclaim the Good News.
Jesus, I hear Your voice calling me to go out to the world. Work with me and through me. Amen.

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