
Monday, July 28, 2014

Do you trust in the power of the small, hidden and humble people to make a difference in the world? Are you one of them? - Daily Reflections July 28,2014

How blessed are we to be privy to teachings which otherwise would remain “hidden from the foundation of the world,” as the last verse of today’s Gospel puts it! Thank God for this special privilege, and thank God too for the parables which His Son Jesus often uses in His teachings.
       Interestingly, the images used in the two parables of Jesus are also 
buried in the ground, and the other is yeast (the all-important leavening agent when baking). And the action they bring about are also hidden and quiet — slow but sure growth. Finally, the result upon the execution and fulfillment of their designated action is truly beneficial: shade and shelter for the mustard seed (which is now a large shrub), and then delicious, freshly baked bread.
       We probably take for granted the many quiet and hidden things in our world. If we only knew how we would be without them. They don’t make noise, their action is slow, but you bet they are there, effectively fulfilling that for which they were created.
       There is a lesson there, too, especially for us who are more inclined to go for the flashy and the noisy, the big and the bold. For all we know, these ones are, in reality, more bark than bite. If you talk more of the real thing, it’s deep down there, quietly lurking beneath the surface, ready to sprout one fine day, and then grow, develop and bear fruit.
       The humble and the hidden count a lot. Hopefully, we Christians will not settle for false humility, or for a secretive or lazy approach when we carry out our God-given mission to evangelize. Let’s be ready and willing to shout the Good News from the housetops, and to place our gifts and talents at the service of the Church. Fr. Martin Macasaet, SDB
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you trust in the power of the small, hidden and humble people to make a difference in the world? Are you one of them?
Help me to remain hidden and humble in serving You, Lord.

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