
Thursday, May 15, 2014

When was the last time you took a serious look at the service that you offer to the Church? Can you do more? Should you do more?- Daily Reflections May 15,2014

Whenever there is authority involved, there is always a hierachy. The degree to which the hierarchy is prominent or not largely depends on how authority is exercised. Is it exercised from above as a means to command others to do things, or is it implemented with love in and through the natural network of relationships that exist in everyone’s lives?
       Christ is an example of the latter. Too often, the way we exercise authority in our human organizations reflects the former. What can we do about the exercise of authority in the Church?
       Ultimately, the Pope exercises the ultimate authority in the Church, under the guidance of and in submission to Christ. This is why I particularly like one of the traditional titles of the Pope namely, “Servant of the Servants of God.” This title catches something of the reality that we need to see in the exercise of authority within the Church. It is neither self-seeking nor self-aggrandizing; it must always be exercised in the service of others and, in particular, service of the poor.
       The example of Jesus’ life is paramount here. He came to serve and not to be served. We ought to reflect upon this truth as it tells us the nature of His motivation as well as the expression of the service He performs. This is what we see expressed in His ministry, passion, death and resurrection. As such, Jesus is the primary model of service; Mary and the saints follow His perfect example and become models that we can look up to for inspiration. This is why it is important that we know about the lives of the saints. Sure, you can tell me about your favorite sports person or actor. What about the life of your favorite saint — if you have one?
       As we continue in the spirit of the Easter season, let us embrace the grace of the resurrection and its power to help us lay down our lives in the service of the Church and one another. Let us not miss the grace and opportunity that God is giving us to serve. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: When was the last time you took a serious look at the service that you offer to the Church? Can you do more? Should you do more?
Holy Spirit, grant me the grace of a servant’s heart so that I will never lose sight of the call to place my life at Your feet in the service of the Kingdom of God.

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