
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Have you turned away from situations where your faith can make certain things difficult and inconvenient? - Daily Reflections October 19,2013


Jesus encourages His followers today to stand strong and proud amidst persecutions that are sure to come: “I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will acknowledge him before the angels of God.” Jesus also warned of actual arrests and bodily intimidations: “When they bring you before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how to defend yourselves.”
       In an impassioned speech in a general audience address last year, Pope Benedict XVI spoke of the possible repercussions of the Church scandals that have inflamed anger and discouragement among Catholics in Europe, North America and other parts of the world. He said that it is possible that the Church “may become a minority.”
       While there was, understandably, a tinge of sadness in the tone of the address, there was also a marked optimism. If that happens, Pope Benedict suggested, maybe the Church will once again become a minority — a creative minority, just like the creative minority of 12 men who evangelized the world with the Jesus event.
       There is wisdom in the suggestion. It is better to have a creative minority than an indifferent majority that hardly makes an impact in societal life. Persecution is not always bad. It can also be good. Persecution can be a way of weeding out the lukewarm from the committed. Persecution can also be a way of purifying the imperfections still present in the Church, inasmuch as She is still a human institution. Persecution can be a fire that purifies and surfaces the true beauty of gold and silver. In this case, persecution is welcome and even desirable.
       Admittedly we have many Catholics by convention — those who became Catholics by chance in a predominantly Catholic nation. Persecution can also be a way of transforming Catholics by convention to Catholics by conviction. Numbers alone is not an asset. It is conviction that makes any community creative and effective for real change. Fr. Joel O. Jason
REFLECTION QUESTION: Have you turned away from situations where your faith can make certain things difficult and inconvenient?
Pardon, Lord, for the times we have given Your Church a bad name. We accept the purifying fires of persecution. Make us creative and effective agents of transformation for Your kingdom.

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