
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Have you transitioned from seeing prayer as a transaction to a relationship? - Daily Reflections October 9,2013


Anyone familiar with the Gospel knows that there are many times when the Apostles were not so “apostolic,” so to speak. There were times they were cowardly, lazy and acted like spoiled brats. Today’s Gospel, however, is one of those moments when they act like true followers of Jesus. Look at their request: “Lord, teach us how to pray.” They wanted to pray like Jesus. If I were one of the Apostles, I think I would have requested Jesus to teach me some magic so I can impress people on my own, or maybe a magic word or formula that God can never refuse to heed.
       What is prayer? In some other parts of Scripture, Jesus said, “Whatever you ask the Father in my name, He will give you” (John 14:13). To ask in Jesus’ name is not a magic spell we cast on the Father, i.e., blackmailing God to act according to our liking. To pray in Jesus’ name is what the disciples requested in today’s Gospel. To pray like Jesus, to pray in His name, is to pray according to His heart, His mind, His will. Whatever we ask the Father in Jesus’ name will surely come to pass if it is according to the heart and mind of God.
       Prayer therefore is not so much a changing of the mind of God by a force that is irresistible. Prayer in its very essence is the changing of our hearts and minds, such that whenever we pray, we pray for what is true, beautiful and good. Prayer is conforming our hearts to God that even when our own desires are actually in conflict with His way and time, we remain steadfast in following Him.
       This is why Jesus asked us to pray daily, “Your will be done on earth as it in heaven.” Prayer is not conforming the mind of God to ours, whether  He likes it or not. Prayer is conforming ourselves to God — then everything else will follow. Fr. Joel O. Jason
REFLECTION QUESTION: Have you transitioned from seeing prayer as a transaction to a relationship?
Lord, may Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Amen.

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