
Monday, October 14, 2013

Do you still pine for the era of miracles? Do you perceive the miracle happening before you at the Eucharist? - Daily Reflections October 14,2013


I remember in my first year as a priest, I was assigned assistant in a parish in Pasay City. I vaguely remember a claim by one of the parishioners that the image of the Sacred Heart began shedding fragrant oil from the eyes. News spread like wildfire and before we knew it, people began flocking to the church. All our daily Masses were standing room only. There was an unusual demand for the sacrament of reconciliation, too.
       After some months, the phenomenon of the fragrant oil stopped and, along with it, the unusual stream of people. People still attend the parish Masses regularly, but the curiosity and unusually large number of people were no longer there.
       We are naturally attracted by unusual phenomena or signs. Some unscrupulous individuals have actually taken advantage of this by staging apparitions and divine manifestations.
       In the Gospel today, people asked Jesus for a sign. Jesus responded sternly and called such people as belonging to an “evil generation.” The effect of signs and phenomena is immediate and intense. But as immediate as the effect is, so is the disenchantment when the signs disappear. When we look for signs, we usually want to be awed and “forced” into belief because we behold something extraordinary.
       God already gave us the most earthshaking sign when the Word was made flesh. To ask for another is to already mock God. No other sign is necessary. It is now the time for faith. Fr. Joel O. Jason
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you still pine for the era of miracles? Do you perceive the miracle happening before you at the Eucharist?
Father, You have shown us Your favor throughout salvation history, culminating in the person of Jesus, Your Son. Please increase our faith. Amen.

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