
Thursday, September 19, 2013

What one most precious thing would you be most willing to part with for the love of the Lord? - Daily Reflections September 19,2013



My father, Tatay to me and my parishioners before, was the epitome of a priest’s father. From 1989 until he fell ill more than two years ago, he would visit me every day in whatever parish I was assigned. He’d come and cook my meals — every single day. But I was never affectionate to my father. I loved him dearly but, for some reason, I would not kiss him or make “mano” (kiss his hand). I hardly noticed  his presence as I was always busy in both parish and school work.
       Even when he was already being brought in and out of the hospital when he fell sick, I still couldn’t visit him. Same reason — I was busy. Until one night, I just felt the urge to visit him. It broke my heart that he had shrunk physically. I mustered enough courage to embrace and kiss him for the first time! I wanted to convey to him my love, affection and concern, which I failed to show him when he was still strong. Between sobs, I told him how sorry I was for not spending time with him when he was still strong and healthy. Whatever we spent for his hospitalization was immaterial, and I would even do everything and give up anything for him. Two days later, he died. (I didn’t want to think that he died of shock when I kissed him.)
       The sinful woman in the Gospel approached Jesus and started to put alabaster ointment on His feet, her tears literally washing His feet as a sign of repentance. The people who were there, who knew her as a woman of ill repute, resented what she was doing. But it was her way of showing deep remorse for her shady past. The ointment could have been her most prized possession, yet it did not matter anymore. All she wanted was to return to the Lord and be forgiven.
       Jesus found in her heart a sincere desire to be pardoned and to start following Him. Sadly, not too many people now are willing to part with their attachments just to be reconciled with the Lord. Fr. Erick Y. Santos, OFS
REFLECTION QUESTION: What one most precious thing would you be most willing to part with for the love of the Lord?
Lord, teach me to be detached from worldly possessions and be attached only to You. Amen.

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