
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Daily Reflections - May 9,2013


A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, according to the psalmist. What we see in time is different from its eternal perspective. God sees the final picture while we anxiously travel through life with its trials and successes. We have to work out the final picture with the assistance of the Lord. It is good for us to get an “eternal perspective.” I notice this in the comments that people make: “All will be well.” “There is light at the end of the tunnel.” “Every cloud has a silver lining.” In all these comments, we glimpse a hope, a looking forward, that things will get better. Of course, when one is going through a trial, it seems endless, so it is good for us to have an eternal perspective.
I believe we see something of this “eternal perspective” in the Gospel today. Jesus talks about the “little while.” It will seem like an eternity for the Apostles in the days ahead — with the crucifixion, suffering and death of the Lord — but three days later He will rise again. Jesus says, “Your sorrow will turn to joy.” This is the “little while” He is literally referring to. It is also the short time we have on earth.
So what are we doing on earth in this short time? I hope we are making the most of it. Our time here is short; eternity is a long time. The Lord is kind and merciful as He allows us to use this short time well. We must fulfill our baptismal duty of witnessing. We must be people of generosity, giving to those in need. We must be a people who seek the face of God and live. There is much to do in this short time. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you have an eternal perspective? Do you live your life in accordance with this eternal perspective?
Lord of life, my life is a gift from You. Help me live according to the eternal perspective. Amen.

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