
Friday, May 31, 2013

Daily Reflections - May 31,2013


Whenever I meditate on this Gospel, I always remember a beautiful picture hanging up in our novice house in Canberra, Australia. It is the image of the Virgin running down some steps, hastily, with no time to waste. There is a sense of serious concern on her face, yet her face is brightened by joy and wonder. She is going to visit her cousin Elizabeth to see for herself the mighty things God has done. It is a beautiful image of our Lady of the Visitation, or Our Lady of the Way. One can easily imagine the joy in her heart, the song of praise on her lips, the news about to be shared with all of humanity, beginning with Elizabeth — it is all expressed in her movement, body, features and face.
       Mary is reminded of Hannah and all the women who experienced the graciousness of God in childbearing. Mary is to be the Mother of Jesus, Son of God. Imagine all that she must have pondered on in the lengthy journey to Judea. An angel visited her, prophesying her vocation and God’s plan for her life. Mary would have thought of her dearly betrothed Joseph. She would have imagined her cousin’s reaction to her visit, knowing that Elizabeth, too, has experienced the visitation of God.
       The feast we celebrate today, originally a medieval Franciscan tradition, is prayed as the second joyful mystery of the Holy Rosary. Countless images of the scene have captured the hearts of many. Having been established in the West much earlier than the East, the feast reminds us that God is near.
       We all carry Christ within us. Mary had borne Jesus in her womb physically; we bear Jesus in our souls sacramentally. The priest dismisses us after Mass to carry Christ with us wherever we go; Mary had done this in the visitation to her cousin. May she continue to direct our steps and efforts of evangelization as we seek to follow her example to bring Christ to those in need. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Who should you visit today? Who is in most need of the Good News today?
Renew me in Your love today, O Lord. Grant me the grace to bring You to others. Our Lady of the Visitation, pray for me.

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