
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Daily Reflections - May 14,2013

St. Matthias is one of those “mystery persons” in the Bible. There is nothing known of him except what we have read in the First Reading today. In fact, even his feast day has changed in recent times. Before, his feast was on February 24. But in order to take it out of the Lenten period, it was transferred to May 14, since his story is an Easter story anyway.
       Matthias is seen as the “lucky one” although we shall call him “blessed.” He was chosen by lot, not by chance, but inspired by the Holy Spirit. See how clever God is! What we can say is that he was with Jesus in His travels, perhaps one of the many who were traveling around on His missionary journeys. And that he was dear to the Lord’s heart. The Apostles begin their prayers by addressing the God who knows and reads our hearts.
       The words of Jesus can be applied literally to the life of Matthias. “You did not choose me; no, I chose you.” Jesus is the one who chooses, not us. This is a great consolation to those in ministry — to know that God has chosen us to bear fruit. There is also tremendous responsibility on our shoulders when God chooses His people — to bear fruit that will last.
       This is a consolation check for me. Am I bearing fruit in my life according to the will of the One who has chosen me? Many people ask those ordained how they knew they were to become a priest or religious. The first thing I dare to mention is that I am not employed as one would consider a career. It is God’s call for me and I have the experience to prove it. Sometimes, I wonder about His choice, as we all do. All of us have been called and chosen. God’s choice is irrevocable. He calls us to be members of His Church, seeking Him and using the gifts and talents given to us out of His bounty. We are all called to a royal priesthood to offer our lives; to be a holy nation and a people set apart to sing the praises of God, according to St. Peter. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Are you bearing fruit in your life? How?
Lord Jesus, I thank You for calling me Your friend. Help me to be worthy of the calling You have placed upon my life. Amen.

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