
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Daily Reflections - April 30,3013

One of the many beautiful experiences in the Holy Land is the way people greet each other. At the airport, the immigration officer greets us with “Shalom,” which means “Peace!”
What is peace? Is it absence of war, absence of trouble? Surely, we call peace the absence of war, but the Hebrew word “Shalom” means more than peace. It conveys feeling, intent and emotion — a feeling of contentment, well-being, harmony, tranquility, fullness, rest. And where can we find all these? Not in this world but only in God. We begin to understand what Jesus meant in today’s Gospel passage, “My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.”
Many search for fulfilment, happiness and contentment in material possessions, in money, sex and entertainment. But those things do not give the inner peace Jesus promises. These things often only distract and prevent us from finding true peace.
The peace Jesus wants to give does not take us out of the problems of this world. But in spite of these problems and, sometimes, raging storms in our lives, the peace of Christ keeps us calm deep down in our being. Nothing in life can ever take it from us, and no sorrow, no danger, no suffering can ever make it less. It is independent of external circumstances. Or as William Barclay puts it, “The peace which the world offers us is the peace of escape, the peace which comes from the avoidance of trouble and from refusing to face things. The peace which Jesus offers us is the peace of conquest.”
A Rabbi once said, “The word Shalom is a mighty blessing on several levels! Proverbs 18:21 tells us there is life or death in the power of the tongue. Therefore, whenever you employ the word Shalom, you are speaking into someone’s life all the wonderful things that Shalom means!”
With these thoughts we leave April, looking forward to the month of May. Fr. Rudy Horst, SVD
REFLECTION QUESTION: Where do you look for happiness and contentment?
Lord, thank You for Your promise of peace. It is such a consoling message. Help me look for peace not in the wrong places but seek and find it in You.

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