
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Daily Reflections - March 27,2013

The Third Servant Song focuses a little on the trials and difficulties of someone in the service of God. There is often a lot of misunderstanding that goes with this task, and we need to be ready for the suffering that results from this. Maybe the suffering in the time of Isaiah was largely physical, but today, it is more often emotional and psychological. Exclusion from the most desired sectors of society, or groups within society, can be a very effective threat today. Violence will more often lead to court cases.
Someone who desires to serve God needs to be secure in his identity in God as it may become the only support he will ever have. The promise of God is that He will never abandon us, but this does not mean that we will not suffer. The groups that say suffering is incompatible with the Christian way of life are quite wrong. God does not desire that we suffer, but this is very different from saying that He will cause all suffering to disappear from the life of a disciple. There will always be suffering as long as sin exists. It is in heaven that suffering is banished forever.
The Servant of God needs to pray for the grace of faith to sustain him. It is only with grace that he can bear and endure the suffering that he will go through. Without faith, the servant will simply conform to the ways of the world and lose any chance of influencing society with the Good News. In Romans 12, Paul calls us to allow our lives to be transformed so that we will become effective witnesses to all that is good, acceptable and perfect.
Is this what you want for your life? I hope so, because this is what it truly means to be a disciple of Jesus. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: What is your attitude to suffering? Do you see how it can draw you closer to God or as something to be avoided at all costs?
Holy Spirit, help me to stand firm when people murmur and speak against me whenever I proclaim the Word of God. Help me to remain strong in my faith.

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