
Friday, October 5, 2012

Daily Reflections - October 5,2012

The Book of Job is a delight to read with its insights and wisdom. We are familiar with the story as it has been the First Reading at Mass these days. Job is a righteous man, filled with the blessings of God. He enjoys prosperity at home, in the family and society. One day God commends Job for his faith and duty as a God-fearer. The evil one, Satan, suggests that Job is like that because nothing has happened to him. One only has to strike him and Job will curse the Living God. Therefore, God delivers him to test.
The story continues whereby one tragedy after another happens. His children are taken from him, his livestock are no more, and even his friends ridicule him. Life is a mess, full of hardship and pain. Job begins to review his life. He discovers for himself that all he has is from God and he questions his life. The Lord God gives His reply “from the heart of the tempest.” God then delivers his verdict. He is Creator of all. He gives life and takes it back. He challenges Job’s questioning. Humbly, Job recognizes his fault and repents.
It is a great story of the struggle between God and man when things go wrong or do not go as planned. All of us have these “Job” days when we would rather curl up and die, or question God. Job teaches us that there is life in God. He is the Creator and Father of all. Who are we to contend with God? God is in control; we are not!
Interestingly, the Lord speaks and answers Job in the midst of the tempest. We must also listen to the voice of the Lord in the storm. He will speak if we allow Him to. Often we try and work things out ourselves. We forget about God as we struggle in the tempest when all the time God is just waiting for us to call on Him.
Are you encountering the tempest at this time? Are the whirlwinds rushing around your life that you find no way out? Let Job be your inspiration as you listen to God who will comfort you and help you if you call on Him in the midst of your troubles. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: How does Job’s life speak to you at this time? Are you thankful for the many blessings of God? Are you willing to surrender all to God?
I love You, Lord God. You are my guide and my light. You have always loved me, Father, and You know all the days of my life before each of them ever came to be. Amen.

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