
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Daily Reflections - October 4,2012

St. Francis of Assisi once said, “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” He saw it as important to witness through love in action. The Franciscans were one of the first itinerant preachers to fulfill the words of Jesus in today’s Gospel “to send out laborers to the harvest.”
The missionary discourse in Luke is similar to Matthew’s version. However, there is one noticeable difference, which is the number 70 (72 in some translations) sent out on mission. The number 70 might remind us of the elders set apart by Moses. The 70 elders were to share his work with the people. Luke seems to use the number 70 to remind his readers that Jesus is a Moses-like figure. Jesus appoints these people ahead of Him to places that He will visit in time.
This calls to mind the need to delegate, which is an important skill in any organization: work, office, family and school. All of us need to take up responsibilities and the load becomes much lighter when we delegate. Delegation requires skill, trust, calling upon others to share the vision, and choosing competent people. Many people fear to delegate as they think the task will not be carried out effectively and efficiently. This requires a lot of trust, especially if one tends to be a perfectionist.
Jesus, in sending delegates to go before Him, is setting up a team that will meet the needs and conditions of people. Francis of Assisi, too, was a delegator. He saw that the harvest was indeed rich and overwhelming. By sending out his brothers, he was actually applying the strategy of covering every possible field in the most time available. Down through the ages many have followed the footsteps of Jesus in the act of delegation.
We, too, need to practice this skill, whether at home, in school, in the workplace, or in communities. The harvest is indeed plentiful and ready for the picking. You don’t have to carry the load yourself. Jesus doesn’t expect this from you and neither should others. Try it today. Delegate! Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: How can you be a better delegator at home, school or work? Are you afraid to share responsibility with others? Why?
Lord, I thank You for the responsibilities given to me in my own world. May I never be afraid to seek others to help me. Amen.

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