
Monday, September 10, 2012

Daily Reflections- September 9, 2012

I have a sister who has been in Germany since 1980. She was a breech baby. There is this traditional belief in the Philippines that a breech baby could loosen a fishbone stuck in someone’s throat by gently massaging it.
The Gospel presents Jesus putting His finger on the deaf man’s ears, spitting with His saliva, and touching his mouth. Immediately the man was able to speak upon hearing Jesus said, “Ephaphta,” which means “Be opened.” This mirrors the message of the First Reading from Isaiah: “The ears of the deaf be cleared... then the tongue of the mute will sing....”
Jesus took the deaf away from the crowd. A one-on-one encounter would assure the deaf that he need not worry. This echoes Isaiah’s pleading, “Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not!” By the time Jesus was about to perform the healing, the deaf must have been fully confident: strong and fearless.
A part of Jesus was infused on the man. It may very well mean “breathing” or putting a divine substance on the afflicted man. Jesus chose to reveal His love and healing power to a lowly deaf who surely was poor materially, emotionally and psychologically.
The healing touch of Jesus brought marvel to the eyes of the spectators. While they were warned not to tell anyone of the miracle, they could not contain themselves. It proved to be too much for them. They were compelled to tell about their Jesus encounter — the Jesus touch, the healing explosions.
Many of us suffer from deafness. We find it difficult to hear and listen to the cries of the poor and needy. Many of us are mute. We see so many deplorable things. We wake up witnessing the face of poverty and sufferings of countless people. Yet, we choose to keep quiet and remain indifferent to their plight.
In the Eucharist, let us seize the moment when we would have a one-on-one encounter with the divine Jesus — and in so doing, the much needed healing be received. Fr. Erick Y. Santos, SFO
REFLECTION QUESTION: Are you deaf and mute to the calling of those in need?
Spit on me, Lord, that I may be healed. Touch my ears and my eyes to listen to and see the suffering around me.

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