
Friday, September 28, 2012

Daily Reflections - September 28, 2012

San Lorenzo, PRAY FOR US
Today we celebrate the feast of St. Lorenzo Ruiz, the first, and so far, only Filipino saint. He is our model, intercessor and our very own mediator. What does it mean to have an intercessor? Let me share with you what it does not mean.
One time after a 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass, a lady approached me for customary blessings. I recognized her and I was sure she also attended the 9 a.m. Mass which I also presided over that day. “Is this the second Mass you attended today?” I inquired. She said, “My husband didn’t want to go. He said he didn’t want to miss the Pacquiao fight so I thought I’ll attend a second Mass for him.”
I’m sure God blessed the heart of that woman. I’m not sure about the man.
While the Catholic faith recognizes the legitimacy and even the necessity of intercession, our faith does not recognize the practice of faith by substitution, except when the other is genuinely incapacitated or does not have the physical or psychological capacity to practice his faith. Unless I’m genuinely incompetent, somebody else cannot practice my religion for me.
To have someone intercede for me does not mean I give up my own religious obligation to do what I need to do. To have someone intercede for me means to have someone share, augment and strengthen my own resolve. On the other end, to intercede for another does not mean “doing all the work,” in the process depriving the others of the opportunity to grow in the practice of their own faith. I know of a mother who prays the 15 decades of the Rosary daily while telling her children they are now excused from reciting the Rosary.
As we honor and imitate St. Lorenzo for his virtues, we tirelessly work for our growth in our own.
St. Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us.Fr. Joel Jason
REFLECTION QUESTION: Do you pass off to others (the saints, family members or friends) your religious obligations?
St. Lorenzo, intercede for us to God. Inspire us to cultivate the grace of our own baptism that together, we may all grow in virtue and faith. Amen.

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