
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Daily Reflections- July 25, 2012

The wife of Zebedee felt that her sons’ inclusion in the inner circle of Jesus would be translated into something concretely delightful. She is a mother, and any mother would want only the best for her children. Call her a stage mother, but the fact is that mothers would always want to ensure a good future for their children. She was naturally ecstatic at the prospect of her two boys taking the most prominent places at the right and left of Jesus’ throne.
But she failed to see the more glorious places that the Lord has prepared for those who wish to be His followers and servants. If she only understood the soul of Jesus’ Lordship and the challenge He is giving to those who wish to seek power and be first in line.
His battle cry is servant leadership: He who wishes to be great should be the servant of all. He who wishes to be first should be the slave of others. This is what He exactly did in His kenotic leadership: He came not to be served but to serve and give His life for the redemption of all. The Gospel posts a challenge to a world where bosses are powerful and where authority is a privilege. In our country where connections matter and power is a sea of worldly opportunities, the Gospel presents an alternative which may not be attractive but undoubtedly more fulfilling and lasting.
This reminds me of the regular Sunday feeding program in my former parish. More than a hundred street people were treated to a decent lunch every week. It was a foretaste of heaven to the poor people who rarely use spoon and fork when they eat. Sponsoring families opt to hold their birthdays or anniversaries with the street people. I used to tell them that if they would throw a party for the street people, their party would be remembered for a lifetime. In the end, the donors were even happier because they have served the needy. It provides lessons especially to their young children who discover the joy of sharing and giving.
I’m sure Mrs. Zebedee’s sons discovered the more fulfilling alternative to their ambition. And the mother understood after all.Fr. Erick Y. Santos, SFO
REFLECTION QUESTION: What concrete apostolates have you engaged in to experience being a servant to the needy?
Lord, may I always seek to serve rather than be served.

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