
Monday, June 18, 2012

Daily Reflections- June 17, 2012

To illustrate the Kingdom of God, Jesus uses images that speak to us of our potential to be active members in its mission. It is quite clear that to have faith in God is all about having a personal encounter with Him. Men and women of faith have chosen to allow an encounter with God, giving Him the opportunity to transform their lives.
At the heart of the Church’s understanding of the Kingdom of God is the idea of a relationship — each individual with God. Once this relationship is established, it is possible to work on our relationships with one another within the context of our common faith in God. The image of a growing seed used in today’s Gospel highlights the idea of potential. We all know seeds grow into something much bigger. If we allow our relationship with God to grow and mature, this is what we will experience in our lives — a fulfilling relationship within the bounds of the Kingdom of God.
Jesus focuses His ministry on forming the 12 disciples He has chosen so that they would carry on His mission once He leaves. God continues to work with us on a one-to-one basis so that we can be formed according to our gifts, talents and calling, making us prepared to contribute to the work of the Kingdom of God.
As disciples of Jesus we should seek to learn where our next growth opportunity will be and focus our attention to it. It is up to us to take responsibility for this aspect of our faith and “run with it,” so to speak. Unless we remain pro-active in this regard, we will never grow in our faith. We will forever be looking at people who are growing in discipleship and wondering what they have that we do not have. The answer is simple — the willingness to step out into the unknown and take the risk of trying to discover where God is calling us to serve. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: When was the last time you took a risk in your service for the Kingdom of God? Are you willing to take a risk to move forward in your faith?
Jesus, help me to learn Your will for my life and have the courage and strength to take the necessary risks to bring Your vision to fruition.

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