
Monday, August 22, 2011

Daily Reflections

August 21, 2011

The wonders of the mind and will of God have fascinated spiritual writers for centuries and we are probably no closer to understanding them than we were centuries ago. After all, when the finite tries to measure itself against the infinite, it does not matter how big the finite is. It is always going to be insignificant in comparison to the infinite.
Enough mathematics for now and let’s get back to the more serious matter of our faith in God. St. Paul takes the only path open to us in the face of God’s majesty and mystery. He stands in awe and wonder before it. Sometimes it is as simple as this. All we need to do is stand in awe before the Lord and wonder at His greatness. Not even questions can express what we feel. However, it is important that our awe does not stop here. We must allow it to permeate our lives in such a way that it leads us to trust and believe in God’s promises and providence. There will be many times when we do not understand where He is in the midst of what we are doing, or what it means for us, but we still have to trust Him and surrender our lives to His will.
“Too hard,” you say. “Not easy,” I reply. We are not in control of the dynamic of faith. It is God’s gift to us and our first and foremost duty is to be grateful for it. Because this is the case, we also need to surrender ourselves to its nature; it is not for us to dictate to God what the essence of faith is. God has already determined this. The only thing we can do here is decide whether or not to accept the gift of faith and place our lives under its dynamic.
We can choose to live our lives without God. This is a possibility if we so exercise our wills. However, to do so in the face of the overwhelming evidence of His existence in the beauty and wonder of the universe would seem to be unwise. This will not stop some people from making this choice. I just pray that we are not numbered among them. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL

Reflection Question:
How do I feel about the mysteries of God that I encounter each day? Am I willing to surrender myself in awe to these mysteries?

Jesus, You have been sent by the Father to redeem us. Thank You for Your obedience to His call. Help me to respond generously to Your offer of faith and salvation.

St. Joseph Nien Vien, pray for us.

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